Date: December 16, 2009
1. Selectmen’s Comments and Announcements.
2. Selectmen to review minutes of previous meeting(s).
3. Town Administrator’s report:
Follow up from prior meeting:
i. BRPC Hazard Mitigation Plan - Ray Tarjick
ii. County Road speed monitoring request
iii. Attorney costs re O’Connor litigation
iv. Details at Police Department
New Items:
v. Town has received $39,591 from State for ice storm cleanup reimbursement
vi. Rescheduled Public Hearing re Cell Tower on Wells Road - Dec. 30 at 7:00 PM
vii. Chief Hall acquired brush truck (1985 Chevy 5/4 ton p.u., 48K miles) for free
viii. Other
4. Public Input.
5. Selectmen to evaluate Tony Blair, Town Administrator, and vote to remove probationary status.
6. Alan Lussier, Manager of the Becket General Store, to address the Board regarding all alcoholic package store license renewal.
7. Selectmen to vote to sign liquor license renewal for the Becket General Store.
8. Appointments:
a. Selectmen to review letter of resignation from Dorothy Bellavance as an election worker effective December 10, 2009 and to vote to appoint Dorothy Bellavance as Registrar of Voters term to expire March 31, 2010.
b. Selectmen to appoint new member to Conservation Commission: Letters of interest received from Troy Casey and Nina Weiler.
c. Selectmen to appoint Ann Krawet to serve on the Green Communities Energy Committee.
9. Selectmen to vote to close Town Hall at noon on Thursday, Dec. 24, 2009.
10. Monthly reports of the Board of Assessors, Building Inspector and Police Department.
11. Any other business to come before the Board.
12. Review Correspondence.
13. Selectmen to review payroll/expense warrants.
14. Selectmen to go into executive session to consider the purchase of real property and not to return to open session.